The RootTech Fund Is Managed By EDH.

Co-founded by veteran cryptocurrency miners and traditional financial investors, EDH is an international mining company focused on the blockchain cryptocurrency mining vertical with an office in Hong Kong.

EDH focuses on cryptocurrenccomputing power mining in theblockchain field, and has a deetechnical background and richmanagement experience incryptocurrency mine investment ancoperation and mainenance. in theUSA, Norway, Russia, Ethiopia, and Nigeria, it has built 7 mines andmanaged and operated 100000 professional cryptocurrency ASIC miners. As of the first quarter of 2024EDH manages a cryptocurrencycomputing center with a 350MW poweload, providing cryptocurrency minerand investors with a stable, securelow-cost power source and a stablreturn on investment for investors.


As the first private equity fund managedby EDH to focus on cryptocurrencycomputing power mining, the entircomplex mining process ofcryptocurrencies is publicly managedand operated in the form ofstandardized, compliant, andtransparent sunshine private equitfund products, providing a newinvestment channel for high-net-wortinvestors around the worid who arekeen to invest in cryptocurrencies.

Responsible Entities

  • RootTech Fund LTD

    Responsible for the actual management and operation of the fund.

  • We Service Limited

    Holds Hong Kong TCSP+ fund administration license.

    Responsible for fund administrative management: such as investor subscription, redemption, net worth calculation, etc.

  • Hashkey exchange

    Holds Hong Kong virtual asset trading license.

    Responsible for the custody and conversion of fund digital assets.

  • Peak United Management Limited

    Holds a fund manager license from the BVI Financial Bureau.

    Responsible for the issuance and fund compliance of the fund.

  • Quantum Trust

    Holds Hong Kong TCSP+ trust company license.

    Responsible for the custody and conversion of all fund-related assets such as physical assets and monetary assets.

  • DBS Hong Kong

    Holds a financial asset custody license from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

    Responsible for the custody and entrusted payment of the fund’s legal currency assets.